Family picture time is ALWAYS such a crazy time, when fall rolls around I just know there is chaos approaching LOL.
My family is no different than any other, in fact, my family may be even more difficult! I can’t even express how challenging it is to take your own family portraits, let alone your ENTIRE family, both sides! Unfortunately we were missing a few but when you are trying to schedule a time to get everyone together there will always be a few who can’t make it 🙁 They were definitely missed!
On the bright side, we got some great shots and they really represent our family so well. I was so thankful that the Lord has given my grandparents and mother enough strength and kept them healthy enough and out of the hospitals to be able to do formal portraits. I will say, never take for granted any opportunity to photograph your family, we never know what the next day or year holds and pictures are truly the only tangible item you have to go back and reminiscence with.
I love my crazy family, they are the most loving, giving, annoying, fun loving, stressful people to be around and I wouldn’t trade a single one for anything in this world….except for possibly a trip to bora bora, then there are few that are definitely on fence HAHAHAHAHAHA <3
What’s even more exciting about these family photos is that we will be adding one more baby next year!! My twin Candice (absent) will be delivery in April!! God is so great and boy have we multiplied 😉